Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild

Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild
Alma Wolsey, Founder of Cardston Temple City Quilters Guild. Founded September 2005

14 September 2015


Sharon Quinton shows a new way to create the Flying Geese block, using 1/2 square triangles.
Below Sharon indicates the cutting required.
You can make 8, 1/2 square triangles at once by increasing the size of the square.
--Multiply the size of the finished blocks and add in all the seam allowances plus a bit.
--Draw your seam and cut lines going from corner to corner in both directions.  Once the seams are sewn you can proceed to cut the 8, 1/2 square triangles.  
--With diagonal, horizontal and vertical cuts made you have your 1/2 square triangles.
See below.

--Stitch the 1/2 square triangles from one colour combination to each other and then the 1/2 square triangles from the alternate colour combination together and then stitch these two rectangles point to bottom. 
--Finally stitch these squares together with points going in clockwise direction beginning with the top left block with points pointed upwards.   See below.
--There are options for putting the quilt blocks together.  
--Blocks can be sewn together as is (see above) or sashing can be added (see below).
--Sashing eliminates difficulties with matching blocks together as well as adding some contrast and/or open or negative space.

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