Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild

Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild
Alma Wolsey, Founder of Cardston Temple City Quilters Guild. Founded September 2005

7 March 2015

Reactivating the Blog

Hello Everyone!

At last month's meeting I offered to take over the administration of our Guild's Blog Site.  This is my first experience in blogging, so likely I'll be fumbling along for a bit.  I'm convinced that my learning will proceed more smoothly if as many of you as can, participate in commenting on the entries I post.

To assist as many of our members to access sign-in and training to post comments, I offer my help to each of you that require it, on an individual basis if necessary.

I would like to thank our former Blog Administrator, Peggy Blackmore, for all her time in assisting me to access the Blog as Administrator.  Peggy and I agreed that we should be co-administrators until I'm completely comfortable with the blog. 

If anyone has any suggestions for additions or changes to the blog, I welcome them all.

Dawn Collins

P.S. (Peggy tells me that likely next year she will return to the Guild.)

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