Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild

Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild
Alma Wolsey, Founder of Cardston Temple City Quilters Guild. Founded September 2005

11 March 2015


Round Robin Quilt

We had the drawing for the Round Robin Quilt this meeting.  The winner was drawn from all those that participated in the creation of the Round Robin Quilt.  Approximately 10 guild members names were in the draw.  Sheila had the draw names in a small quilted bag ready to go. 

The round robin quilt top with Sheila Kimberley
preparing for the draw. 
 The winner was Judy Salmon. 
We can hardly wait to see the finished product Judy.

Wearing Fragrances at Guild Meetings
One or two of our members are asthmatics and allergic to a wide variety of fragrances.  We had one member rush home because of an asthma attack.  Your executive, along with many of the other members agree that we should have fragrance free meetings.
If we don't get any comments against the idea, we will proceed as follows:
Please refrain from wearing anything scented to all future Guild meetings.  Thank you.
Do you want to Expand Your Personal Quilt Pattern & Magazine Collections?
The founder of our Guild, Alma Wolsey, has recently moved into a seniors assisted living unit and needs to find new homes for all of her treasured quilting patterns and magazines.  Heidi has already brought several loads to our meetings for anyone to choose and take home n/c.  The last two meetings have seen all that was brought, rehomed. 
Heidi will continue to bring quilting patterns and magazines to each meeting. 
Don't forget to check them all out.
  Look for them on the back tables at the next meeting.
Take Judy Barnett's all day class, or make it a Sew Day and do your own thing!
Date:  23 Mar 2015     Time: 9:30 till 4:00     Location: Provincial Building
Cost: $10.00                Lunch: Pot Luck        Contact:  Donna Prince
SpacesStill room for more participants.
Thanks needs to go out to Donna Prince for all her hard work setting up all the classes we have had thus far and she's still at it.  There are several more classes scheduled. 
I'll get a list of the remaining classes and post them here on the blog, as soon as I can.
Thank you Donna!

If you'd like to sign up and work with Judy, we're creating a quilt top in a day, or so says Judy.  Yikes!  You will need to bring:
                             25 - 7" x 7" squares (all different printed fabrics) and
                             25 - 10" x 10" squares (all different printed fabrics). 
Some of the participants are going to make the quilt in B & W with Red.  I'll see if I can get a photo of the quilt and post it.


Calendar of Events
I would like to create a calendar of events that will remain at the top of our blog.  This might take me a bit to figure out but I should be able to do it.
  Is this something you'd be interested in?  What do you want included?
I would include local classes, the Guild meetings, any of the special events that we might be interested in.  Please give me some input.
Who's up for a Sew Day in April?
Heidi would like to check on member interest in scheduling a sew day sometime in April.  We would like to hear from you either sometime before the April meeting or at the meeting. Heidi will ask all members at this meeting whether or not we should have a Sew Day.  As usual, if there is enough interest and an appropriate venue can be found Heidi will move ahead with scheduling.
Are you interested in an April Sew Day?
 Just a Little Something to Brighten Your Day.
Check out the desk where Betty is sitting, next meeting.  She always has some appropriate decoration set out. 
 Did you miss this one?
Filled with Chocolate Mints.  Yummmmm!
Thanks Betty for all the goodies you bring!
Something I forgot to mention. 
I think we all owe LaRae a huge thank you for conscientiously taking pictures of all our Show & Shine projects. 
Thank You LaRae! 

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