Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild

Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild
Alma Wolsey, Founder of Cardston Temple City Quilters Guild. Founded September 2005

1 April 2015

GREAT FALLS QUILT GUILD--Entry Rules & Entry Form DUE 16 APR 2015


Falls Quilt Guild Show 2015—Entry Rules

1.    Number of entries:  Only four quilts may be submitted by each participant.  Exception:  Antique quilts may be submitted in addition to the four.  Guild members will be notified by email if the number of allowed entries increases.

2.    Submit your entry:   All entries are due by April 16th.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

      You may deliver your entries in the following manners:

a.    At the April Falls Quilt Guild general meeting.

b.    Bring your entry to Lynda Reeve at 1817 15th Ave So.  Please call ahead to be sure someone will be home.

c.    Deliver your quilts to Quilt-A-Way, Big Sky Quilts, or Bernina Silver Thimble

Note:  The bag or container that you entry is submitted in WILL NOT be saved to return your entry.

3.    Disclaimer and insurance:  FQG will take every precaution to see that your entry is carefully handled and hung.  Neither the Falls Quilt Guild, nor the Montana Expo Park is insured to over the loss or damage of your quilt, so please check your homeowners insurance for coverage information.

4.    Entry Forms:  A completed entry form must accompany each quilt.  The entry form gives you the opportunity to describe the construction, quilting techniques, and perhaps give a short story regarding the quilt that would be of interest to visitors.  If you need additional forms, please photocopy the entry form.

5.    Picture of the quilt:  If possible, please attach or include a snapshot or computer printout of the quilt with your name on it with your entry form.  This helps with the descriptions of the quilts.  The picture will be returned with your quilt.

6.    Categories and Voting:  There are no categories other than antiques and youth (under 18 years old.  Guild members will vote for their favorite “Top Ten” entries at the members only preview party on Thursday night before the show.  Show attendees will vote for “People’s Choice” on Friday and Saturday during the show.

7.    Receipts:  A receipt will be issued for each quilt submitted.  You must present this receipt to pick up your quilt after the show.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  If you designate someone else to pick up your quilt, they MUST have your receipt so be sure they have it!

8.    Display Methods:  

a.    Hanging sleeves or hanging loops are required on ALL quilts over inches wide.  The sleeve or loops need to be at least 4 inches wide to accommodate the different quilt rack systems we use.  The sleeve or loops can be sewn on or attached with safety pins across the back of the quilt.  If your quilt is received without a sleeve or loops, you will be notified that we cannot show your quilt without them.

b.    Long Quilts, quilts over 90 inches long, need to be basted or safety pinned to 90 inches so they do not drag on the floor while on display.  Or you can combine the hanging sleeve and shorten your quilt at the same time by basting the top edge down to the 90 inch requirement. Please mark the top of your quilt so we know which option you are using.

c.    Some quilts may be hung using binder clips.

9.    Show dates and hours:  Friday and Saturday, April 24 & 25th, 10 am to 6 pm, and Sunday April 26th, 10 am to 4 pm.

10.    Quilt Returns:  Quilts may be picked up between 5:30 pm and 6 pm on Sunday, April 26th at the Montana ExpoPark Exhibition Hall.  THERE WILL BE NO EARLY RELEASES.  If you cannot pick up your quilt at these times, please designate someone to pick it up for you and be sure they have your receipt.  If you have no one to pick up for you, please make arrangements with Linda Reeve before the show.



Falls Quilt Guild Show 2015—Entry Form

Entry #___________(assigned by FQG)                                                                            Label-Receipt

Contributor’s Name__________________________­­___________________Phone____________________


FQG Member:  Yes    No     Youth (<18):  Yes   No     Quilt Owner’s Name___________________________

Title of Quilt_____________________________________________________________________________

Quilt (or block) Pattern Name_______________________________________________________________

Completion Date_________________          Antique:  Yes  No       If antique, approximate age______

Size (round up fractions):  Width_____Length_____   Intended use:________________________________

Colors in the quilt_________________________      Picture attached:  Yes   No

Description of the quilt (attach another page if necessary):______________________________________



Quiltmaker(s)   ___________________________________________________________________________


Construction and quilting techniques (check as many as apply):

_____Hand Pieced                             _____Hand Appliqué              _____Other________________

_____Machine Pieced                        _____Machine Appliqué         _____Other________________

_____Paper/Foundation Pieced                                                         _____Other________________


Quilting by:

Owner:                        ___Long arm   ___Hand   ___Sewing Machine

Commercial:   ___Long arm   ___Hand   ___Sewing Machine         by   _______________________________

Other:              ___Long arm   ___Hand   ___Sewing Machine         by   _______________________________

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


   I have read the show entry rules and I understand that the FQG will take every precaution to protect my quilt entry and that the FQG cannot be held responsible for acts beyond its control.  I give my permission for my entry to be photographed.  By signing this entry form, I expressly agree to release the FQG and its members from all liability for loss, damage, theft, injury or destruction of my entry.


Entrant Signature:  ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Quilts may be picked up between 5:30 pm and 6 pm on Sunday, April 26th at the Montana ExpoPark Exhibition Hall.  THERE WILL BE NO EARLY RELEASES.


FQG Entry #:  ___________   Submitted by   ___________________________________________________

Received by:  ________________________________________________________Date:   _____________

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