Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild

Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild
Alma Wolsey, Founder of Cardston Temple City Quilters Guild. Founded September 2005

15 May 2015


Quilt Shows and Workshops

1.  Information was provided for Heritage Park Quilt Show May 23-24.  Entry fee is $25.75.  There is a 2 day workshop prior to the quilt show on 21 & 22.  Cost is $190.00.

2.  There is a shop hop in Montana on the 28th thru 30th May.  See details below.  If you aren't interested in participating the names and addresses of the quilt shops is a good resource.

3.  LaRae and Donna went to the Great Falls quilt show last weekend.  LaRae gave a short report.  There are lots of vendors at this show.  LaRae and Donna made a plan to see the vendors the first day and then the quilts the second day. The Great Falls Quilt Show is held every 2 years.  LaRae will send some of her pictures to put onto the blog.

4.  Sheila reminded the Guild members again of Quilt Canada in Lethbridge on the 3rd and 4th of June at the University of Lethbridge.

Blog News

Dawn is keeping stats for ...
  a.  number of views in the month -- 325
  b.  highest number of views on a single day -- 78
  c.  number of invitations still outstanding -- 22
  d.  number of posts made in the previous month -- 16
  e.  number of authors to date -- 20
  f.  countries of viewers -- newest addition -- United Arab Emirates

If you need assistance to set up your account and sign on to the blog please call Dawn.  She will gladly come to you, to help.

Sew Day Projects

Sheila Kimberley had the hexagon table toppers, made on our latest sew day, posted on the front board with the names of the makers pinned on.  There were 8 members who made this project. Unfortunately a 9th member became ill and had to leave. 

More Sew Days are being requested. 
  Sheila Kimberley taught us how to make these table toppers.


1.  Location of Last Guild Meeting of the Year
Next month is our last meeting of the year (June 8th).  There was a thorough discussion regarding the location for our June meeting. Alice Sheen suggested that we look into booking the Tanner Center rather than coming to our usual location.  We will be contacted by Sheila once the information is gathered and a final decision is made. 

2.  Meal for Last Guild Meeting of the Year
Donna Prince offered to make our lunch for the June meeting for the price of the food.  This was accepted.

3.  Sew Days after each Guild Meeting
We also discussed the possibility of having a choice to remain after the Guild meetings to sew on a group project or our own quilts.  This would improve the social aspect of our Guild and provide an opportunity to learn, gather ideas and view each other's projects during construction.

Upcoming Quilting Classes through Adult Education in Cardston

Donna Prince is our liason with Adult Education in Cardston.  She is the organizer for our classes.  All classes have attendance limits, so be prompt  contacting Donna with your choices.  (Judy Barnett's classes are through Adult Education.)

1.  Judy Barnett will be teaching her next 2 classes shortly.  In the first class, the attendees will make a special quilting bag to hold their rulers & cutting mats.  Sheila Kimberley brought in a sample of the bag for our perusal.  Anyone interested in making this bag, please contact Donna Prince.

 This photo shows the inside of the first large pocket in the bag.

2.  A second class will make a "salvage edge" purse.  Anyone interested in taking this class, start collecting your salvage edges.  If you can, cut your salvage edge strips 1 1/2" wide.  This extra width makes it easier to keep the writing on the  salvage visible on the purse and adds a dash of colour.  Sheila displayed Judy's sample of the finished project for the Guild members to view.  Again, if you are interested in this class please let Donna Prince know.

Sheila was hiding behind the purse and wouldn't lower the purse, so...
 I snuck around to the side and took a picture.  I think it turned out pretty well.  Don't you?  I can be pretty sneaky so watch out!
 Here is a close-up of the salvage edge purse.
 A close-up of the inside of the purse. As you can see there are plenty of pockets.

To Give Away

Christy Stewart is bringing an old cutting mat for whoever wants to have it.  A number of the ladies said that these mats, cut down, make wonderful purse and bag/tote bottoms.  It's great timing with the ruler bag and purse classes coming up.


Please remember what we decided after the Tearing Game at the Christmas Meeting.  We are to make a project including all the fabrics we collected and bring it to the final meeting of the year.  Some of us collected quite a diverse selection of fabrics so ... we can add as many other fabrics to the project as we like.

I will send out another reminder later in the month. 

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