Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild

Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild
Alma Wolsey, Founder of Cardston Temple City Quilters Guild. Founded September 2005

29 April 2015


Ladies & Gentleman ... Step right up ...

Mark your to-do lists, double check your day-timers and calendars,
and lay out your reminder notes in conspicuous places
for our 2nd last Guild meeting for the 2014-2015 year. 
Monday, 11 May 2015
Remington Carriage Museum
Remember, our President Heidi, has made arrangements for 
Sylvia Terry, our newest Guild member, to demonstrate
4 different applique techniques. 
Don't miss this opportunity!
If we're lucky, Sylvia will bring another few of her projects for us to ogle.
Bring your Snow & Shine projects as usual,
we all want to see what all of us have been up to
in the last 30 days.


Hi Everyone,

Our Sew Day is coming!  

Date:       Monday, 04 May 2015
Time:       9:30AM to approximately 3:30PM 
Location: Stake Center on the east hill next to Lee Crest.

If you are signed up to do Sheila's project, the hexagon table topper, refer to the April Guild Meeting General Notes for the materials list.

Bring a bag lunch and you'll be all set to sew the day away. 

Many of our members including myself, enthusiastically indicated their wish to have this Sew Day.  Please, do your best to attend.


23 April 2015


Welcome to our new authors. 
Corinne Allred, Apryl Nish & Jo-Anne Schindler
We're glad to have you on board.


21 April 2015


Welcome to our new authors. 
Lisa Comin & Donna Prince
We're glad to have you on board.

18 April 2015

Just for fun!

I was in Imagination Unlimited the other day and saw this flyer and thought..."Quilting is getting into more than fabric". 

This flyer is for creating "wooden quilts".

13 April 2015


Sheila Kimberley chaired the meeting today and she was soooo.... worried about not having any tips or a demo.  I think she did marvelously, don't you?


1.  Dawn Collins brought a collection of 6 tips taken from the Fons & Porter Web Site.
Here they are.
2.  Sheila Kimberley
     a.  Sheila showed a video presentation on the uses of spray starch in
          quilting.  If you would like to view this presentation again just click
          here. (sorry, hot link not set up yet, check again in a day or so
          Here`s a summary of the demonstrated uses.  I hope I`ve got them all.
          i)    puts some sizing back into the fabric for easier handling.
          ii)   stops pieces from slipping when stitching blocks. 
          iii)  spray the top of your quilt just before you begin machine quilting. 
               This allows for freer movement. 
          iv)  will eliminate distortion of your cut shapes.
          v)   will keep your seams really flat. 
          vi)  will actually hold two pieces together while you sew.
(Sheila would you send me the url for the video you ran. 
Please send via e-mail or put in as a comment.  Thanks.  Dawn)
This is the information on a handout that I forgot to post first time around. The copy didn't scan very well, actually, it was unreadable, so I have listed the information below.
10 Different Ways to cut a fat quarter.
       6 -- 6.5" squares
       9 -- 6" squares
     12 -- 5.5" squares
     12 -- 5" squares
     16 -- 4.5" squares
     20 -- 4" squares
     30 -- 3.5" squares
     42 -- 3" squares
     56 -- 2.5" squares
     99 -- 2" squares

3.  Helen Wilde brought us 2 tips. 
     a.  When working with fleece blankets for the backs of your quilt,
          leave the hems on the blankets until the last step.  When you are ready,
          and have squared your quilt in preparation for your binding,
          vacuum the edges immediately.  You`ll have next to no fluff and your
          room and machine won`t be full to overflowing with lint.
     b.  If you are using the fleece blanket with batting use a wider binding to
          accommodate the extra thickness. 
          Helen suggests 3 inches.
1.  Sheila Kimberley showed us the Accidental 9-patch block.
     a.  Nine-patch with a different fabric alignment.
      b.  Can use 2 rectangles to complete block. (top left and bottom right)
       c.  Sheila places the pieces and reordering block after cutting.
      d.  Block is cut with a single diagonal.  Reorder.
      e.  Two different block rearrangements.
      f.  Some samples of quilts made with the Accidental 9-Patch.

This is the link required to get to the tutorial with additional ideas
for quilt arrangements.   


SHOW & SHINE -- 13 Apr 2015

15 Quilt Projects produced by 11 Quilters.  (18 projects if you count Gail's candle mats individually.)  Great quilting ladies!

1.  Dawn Collins
     a.  Card Trick Block Baby quilt for an outdoorsy family.  The quilt is
          made out of flannel.  The border print is available from Imagination
          Unlimited right here in Cardston.   Isn't it gorgeous? 
      b.  Class Scrappy Quilt made with 2 extra rows (or 10 more blocks)
           out of nothing but scrap fabric. 
           With the 3 1/2" border the quilt is large enough to fit a Double bed
           but she's going to use it to cuddle up on the couch. 
           The class was taught by Judy Barnett.

2.  Dianne Oertli
     a.  Class Scrappy Quilt made with original block count.  Dianne used
          sashing and put a small border and then used a double binding to
          add the tiny band of colour between border and binding. 
          Dianne is using this as a table topper.

3.  Betty Trudeau
     a.  Class Scrappy Quilt made with original block count (25) and construction
          -- no sashing.  Betty used Christmas fabrics and made a double binding
          in red and white. 
          What a difference fabric choice makes!  Dawn, Dianne and Betty all
          participated in the same Judy Barnett class.
4.  Helen Wilde
     a.  Single Wedding Ring Block.  As usual, this quilt is
          exquisitely made with wonderful colour choices. 
          You amaze me Helen! 

5.  Gail Erickson
     a.  Candle mats for each month of the year.  Gail has brought 4 of the 12. 
          This is a BIG change from your King Size Quilts. Wow!

6.  Sylvia Pankhurst
     a.  The quilt is called Loose Change.  There is a special L-shaped ruler
          which measures for a perfect block.  Sylvia got some of her fabrics
          at Coulee Quilts in Cut Bank, MT.  Many of the ladies didn't realize
          there was a quilt store in Cut Bank.  This is good to know.

7.  Suzan Clark
     a.  Suzan is always bringing us unique projects. 
          Take a look at this month's retinue.  She calls this her "tuffet". 
          You did a wonderful job!
      b.  This is Suzan's "It's a Wrap" bag.  She wasn't going to show us this
            project but we weren't going to let her get away with that were we
            ladies?  The bag is made by wrapping fabric around cotton cording
            made for clothes lines and then sewing each round to the next.

8.  Rita Holt  
     a.  This hand-quilted pastel beauty took Rita 2 months to complete
          the quilting.  We didn't ask how long it took to piece it together.  
          It is gorgeous! 

9.  Raeola Baker
     a.  This quilt was created in a class taught at Village Quilts in Lethbridge. 
          The flowers are appliqued onto the blocks. This is beautifully made. 
      b.  Raeola wasn't going to waste one little bit of the fabric from the
           Flower Quilt above.  She used leftovers to create this
           Coin Toss Baby Quilt.  Nice idea Raeola.  Cute quilt!
      c.  I believe this quilt was made from a kit.  Raeola tried a lipstick border
           just before putting on her binding.  She made it a bit too wide --   
           it covers the stars in the corners.  A lesson learned.  Whatever way you
           look -- lipstick border or not -- this quilt is just adorable.

10.  Judy Salmon 
       a.  This is the Round Robin quilt top that Judy won in March's draw. 
            She's completed the quilt already and, of course, she had to bring
            it in to show all of us, and brag a little.  Frankly, if she didn't bring
            it in I think the guild would have shown up on your doorstep. 
            Thanks Judy.

11.  Sheila Kimberley
       a.  Disappearing 4 patch.  What gorgeous colours and wonderful
            construction!  Sheila did all the machine quilting on her own sewing
            machine.  Note:  Her machine has a longer throat (neck?), than the
            typical sewing machine -- a saving grace when quilting a quilt this big.
            By the way ladies, Sheila, our Secretary, belongs to the Magrath
            Quilt Guild too.  Now that's dedication.

Keep on Quilting...


GENERAL MEETING NOTES -- 13th April 2015

Thank You's.

1.  Our President was away for this Guild Meeting.  Our trusty Secretary took over organizing and chairing the meeting.  Thank you Sheila Kimberley.  You did a great job.

2.  Our treasurer, Betty Trudeau, did double duty as secretary and treasurer this meeting.  Thank you Betty.

Sew Day

3.  May 4th is our Guild Sew Day.  Anyone who wants to do the table topper with Sheila should let her know.  She had about 7 or 8 on her list. 

A list of requirements follows.

Location for the Sew Day is the Stake Centre on the top of the hill on the east side by Leecrest.


4.  Announcement about Nancy Halvorson special course at Village Quilts, June 3rd at Village Quilts, $90.00 fee includes supper.  You can register by phone with Village Quilts provided you have a credit card.  Village Quilts is on 3rd Ave S. in Lethbridge.


5.  Corinne Allred made a request to anyone who has taken magazines from Alma's donations, to look for "Quilters Newsletter," Jan 1990 issue.  Corinne is interested in a mystery quilt but is missing 1 section.  Let her know if you can get a copy of the section she needs.


6.  Dawn Collins gave a report on the Guild's Blog.
     a.  Last month our Blog had 303 page views.
     b.  Last month we had views from Canada, Russia, Switzerland, U.S.A., France,
          Spain, U.K., Ireland, Ukraine and Venezuela.
     c.  There are still 20 invitations to join the Blog that haven't been accepted. 
          They've all timed out so Dawn will resend the invitations as well as send
          invitations to our 3 new members.
     d.  The months that never made it to the blog during the 2 year hiatus, are slowly
          getting done.  Unfortunately the dates at the top of the posts are correct
          but the posts are filed into the date it was posted.  Dawn asked the members to
          review the posts and fill in missing information and any corrections
          required.  All information is gladly accepted.  
     e.  Dawn explained about the search feature she has instituted via the
          labels applied to each post.  Quilters may enter their name and will be
          shown all the posts in which their name is attached.


7.  Sylvia Terry has just moved into our area and is a new member of our Guild.  She is an expert at applique and is going to demonstrate 4 different applique techniques at the May 11th Guild Meeting.  She showed us some of the work she has done.  See below.
      a.  Sylvia Terry introducing herself.
     b.  Mostly embroidered.  Her Ukrainian Grandmother taught her to embroider when
          she was only 5 years old.  Embroidery is another favourite technique of hers.
      c.  Appliqued Quilt -- only triangles are appliqued to each corner of the blocks.
       d.  Appliqued Quilt

I, for one, can't wait to pick Sylvia's brain and see her quilts.

SHOW & SHINE + -- April 2014

Bowtie Block Demo
by Ruby Quinton
Unfortunately I don't have instructions for this block.  I'll try to find a site showing the construction.  This particular block has the center of bow separate from the block.

Show & Shine ...
once again demonstrated our quilters prodigious production.  There were 7 quilters who showed 8 quilts.

1.  Sylvia Pankhurst
     a.  Circles in squares.  Blocks are all about sewing with curves.
2.  Judy Salmon
     a.  Circles in squares.  I believe these circles are appliqued onto the squares.
3.  Pat Hall
     a.  This looks like a wonky 9 patch with sashing.  Gee, I wish I knew the names of the blocks.
      b. Quilt top only.
4.  Barb Sheen
     a.  Crib Quilt or Throw
5.  Cindy Smith
     a.  So many 1/2 square!
6.  Helen Wilde
     a.  A wonky flower block with sashing and a wide border.
7.  Jane Cahoon
     a.  Disappearing 4-patch

 Keep on quilting ...

9 April 2015

SHOW & SHINE -- February 2014

Show & Shine.   Eleven projects from 9 quilters.  Great job.

1.  Gail Erickson
     a.  Jeans on backwards apron.
      b.  Lovely tote.
2.  Helen Wilde
     a.  Log Cabin
     b.  Log Cabin

 3.  Guild Quilt ...
      a.  This quilt was donated for a raffle.  Pictures for the front, back and a close-up.  This quilt is called "Secret Garden".
 4.  Betty Trudeau
     a.  Ropin', rodeoin' jean apron.
 b.  Pretty dresses
5.  Judy Salmon
      a.  T-shirt quilt beautifully made.

6.  Sylvia Pankhurst
     a.  Halloween quilt made with fun-loving fabrics.

 7. Ruby Quinton
      a.  What a wonderful quilt!  Ruby, you look so proud.
8. Gail Purnell
      a.  This is a "Stack & Whack" quilt.  It's just gorgeous!