Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild

Founder of the Cardston Temple City Quilt Guild
Alma Wolsey, Founder of Cardston Temple City Quilters Guild. Founded September 2005

17 December 2010

Wow!!! It is great to see some more of us quilters on here. I think it can be fun and yes I will see if Alma will do another demo on the quilt she showed at the party. Any other ideas are welcome.
I thought maybe Carla could show us how she does all her applique so wonderfully. I am sure she has techniques that some of us could use.
PS So glad everyone had a good time at the Christmas get-together. WE will have to put it on the calendar for next year again.

15 December 2010

I really enjoyed our Christmas party at Gail's house. Thanks Gail and all those who helped make it an enjoyable event!

13 December 2010

Thank you everyone...I love our quilters quild!! I'm glad we had so much fun at our party. (Peggy can you believe I am in here!!) Maybe Alma could show us again how to do the quilt she showed. I would love to do one like that.